Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well it is now March and once again poor little Tommy is dealing with his really, super bad, horrible, worst I have ever seen allergies. While this only happens once or twice a year, I forget how bad his little face looks, how red his eyes get, and how hot his little body operates.

Thing is all the issues really don't bring him down at all. I was putting him in the car the other day and I told him "Sorry about your allergies" he looked me in the eyes as he rubbed the side of my head explained "It's ok, daddy".

I hate having a cold, I hate having a stuffy nose with itchy watery eyes. While I know these conditions bother him, he does not let it affect his joy. He is still the little boy who loves sports, loves his quad, loves his school, and loves his Church. He does however, ask Jesus to make his allergies all better every night in his prayers.

Sweet little guy.

Aaron James fortunately has been spared the Allergy gene from his mother. As a result, he is just pluggin along. While he is not yet crawling, he has been showing interest in becoming more independent. Believe me I can't wait until he takes up walking.......


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tic Tac Won Do

I have written a few times about my passion for Krav Maga, the fighting and self defense that I have been practicing for the last couple of years. I am still doing it and have enjoyed training with my brother the last few months.

Well the time has come to get Tommy involved. For as long as I have been training he has wanted to be involved. Before and after I leave the house to train, Tommy will want to play Krav Maga with me. He swings and kicks, falls down, pretty funny stuff. Well now he is old enough or advanced enough to be able to take tiny tigers Taekwondo.

Our gym is moving so this evening we were in the vicinity of the new location so we stopped by to see the progress. I spoke with the GM Ryan and he made the determination that Tommy was ready to begin training himself. He got his uniform as well as his first assignment to do 3 Good deeds to receive his white belt.

He was sooooo excited when we got in the car it was all he could talk about on the way home. Tic Tac Won Do, is what he kept calling it. Annette and I were once again reminded of how precious these times are. I look forward for Tommy and eventually Aaron learning the skills to protect themselves as well as the self control aspects of the martial arts. Congrats Tommy Bob!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Greater Things

Ok, so we all get confused and need direction in some way and in one way or the other. I am a follower of Christ, albeit better at it sometimes than other times. I have been struggling with a difficult decision that will have an enourmous effect on our family. Those effects are supposed to be positive, but the potential negative effects and the risk involved is what scares me and has become the main focus of this decision.

After going at in my own way, internallizing and dwelling on the potential impacts I came to the conclusion that I needed to seek guidance. I got in my car this morning and started thinking about who to seek, I prayed and asked God to not only help me with the decision, but to give me something to give me peace.

Well this afternoon, I logged onto my computer, I guess I had left the KLOVE website up on my computer from earlier in the morning. A song started to play, it was called "God of this City". A song that I had never heard before. Not paying it any attention I was contining living through the thoughts in my head when the chorus started to play, it was talking about the greater things that are yet to be done, and that greater things are still to be done in this city.

You see God is the ruler of my city, though he should be the mayor, I often religate him to a positon outside of city hall, because a lot of things I can do on my own. How wrong I am!!! I prayerfully asked for guidance and Peace, and God has provided me both, with the knowledge of respected source and a song that drove home what I needed to hear.

Updates later on the decision.......Until then, I will pray for you all, will you pray for us???

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tommy and Chandler

Tommy and his best buddy Chandler Smoak both got quads from Santa. Sunday Jeff and I took them over to the park across the street to let them ride together as Jeff and I do often times. It was sooo much fun Until Tommy's quad ran out of battery...kinda sad he didnt want to have to stop. Next year I think that we will get the real deal.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


We had a great Christmas, Tommy and Aaron both were sooo happy with what Santa had brought them. Here is a video clip of Tommy singing his favorite song with one of his new Santa Toys.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Funny Video

My passion the last year and a half has been Krav Maga. I am now moving up the ranks in the advanced class. I am having a blast, and getting better with my boxing, kicking, and technical skills. As a result, Tommy has taken an interest in the sport. It never fails that at some point throughout the day Tommy will want to PLAY Krav Maga. The video below is a demonstration of his interpretation of what I do in class. This was taken on Annettes cell so the quality is poor.

Being a Better Dad

I know that I probably sound like every parent, but I have got to say that I have two of the most precious kids. Tommy is so smart, his memory is beyond that of a supercomputer. He can remember where we went by landmarks on the way there. He knows mommy's office, where Grammy and Papa's Laundromat is, even where the kids discovery museum is in San Jose. Aaron, is great, smiley, and now knows who momma and dadda are, and can say our names whenever he wants to.

With that said, I just wish that I could be a better role model for them. I wish there was more time in the day to see them and teach them what is good about the world. As I see them interact with each other and with us, they represent what IS right and pure in life. No fear for tomorrow, no worries or pressure associated with life. Just a sincere love for living.

As I have been noticing this I have taken a look at my life and wondered where am I as a person. Why am I cranky sometimes? Am I too stern with the kids? Do I really need everything to be so perfect? Am I the dad my kids will actually look up to, and seek for guidance?

All of these questions are in mind at some point throughout my day. However, often times I get so busy with life that I fail to work on answering them. I find myself tired and cranky, and harsh with my family. Then I look back and wonder what really matters?

I have two of the best kids and wife a person could have. In reality the only two things in life to me that are important to me is God and my family. I feel that I have had a good example of a dad in my life, and wonder if I will be as good to my kids, or will they even care?

It is just as I get older (30 in July, errr) I realize that I cannot count on any aspect of society to teach or provide direction for my children. Leaving to demonstrate the good in life to both Annette and I. Seeing the excitement of Tommy's first real Santa Claus Christmas, has been like turning the clock back for myself and living that dream all over again. The anticipation, the real hope that Santa will bring that certain toy. It saddens me to know that this trust and belief in something so innocent and beautiful, will eventually be replaced by worldly pressures, crooked politicians, and irresponsible business operation on wall st.

You read parenting magazines they tell you not to give your child too much. Don't let them watch tv, more veggies. While there are aspects I support in those writings, I cannot see the logic in not rewarding what is so special. A time in a kids life where they have no knowledge of corruption. God has blessed us immensely, but I would give the world to my kids if I could afford it. Not because they need or don't need it, but because they deserve any and everything just because they are soooooo good and special.

What if instead of holding back on rewarding our kids in fear of spoiling them, we gave all we could to helping them develop and reinforcing that there are no limits to good behavior, intelligence, and sincerity. What if we taught them respect for their possessions, and that they are earned through hard work, in school, in play, and at home. If we tell them they can reach the stars maybe then, they may actually be able to reach them.